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Regular price $26.00 USD
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Each crystal is unique and differs from one another in color/pattern. 


Transformation, healing, communication, change, growth, creativity, release karmic ties, release trauma.

Chakra: Heart, throat, third eye & crown.



Ajoite is renowned as the Alchemist stone of transformation, earning it the nickname "Phoenix" due to its ability to bring about profound changes akin to the rebirth of a phoenix from ashes. It holds tremendous power to catalyze both death and rebirth processes.

This stone is highly regarded for its capacity to facilitate authentic and heartfelt communication. It fosters inner peace, emotional harmony, and brings joy to all aspects of life. Through cultivating this inner serenity, Ajoite promotes understanding and complete acceptance. It effectively dissolves negative attributes such as hostility, anger, jealousy, prejudice, and any other undesirable traits. Ajoite establishes a profound connection with the energy of 'ALL THAT IS', fostering awareness of the limitless potential available to us. It extracts dysfunctional energies and replaces them with pure and loving vibrations. Ajoite is a potent catalyst for rejuvenation on all levels, promoting holistic well-being. As a master healer and facilitator, it acts as a medium for accessing higher realms.

Ajoite plays a vital role in clearing and activating the heart and throat chakras, enabling individuals to express their deepest inner truth. It has the ability to purify the auric field and synchronize the light body with the physical body. Harmonizing the energies of any chakra, Ajoite dispels negativity and invokes truth in oneself and others.


I align with my highest timeline where I allow my true inner alchemy to transpire."



Place in areas you spend the most time to awaken your inner alchemy.


(We cannot guarantee the expected results, all metaphysical products are based on faith, and they should never be a substitute for medical care.)