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OCEAN JASPER BRACELET- relaxation, emotional healing, stress relief

Regular price $17.00 USD
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Each crystal is unique and differs from one another in color/pattern. 

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 Chakra: Heart



Ocean Jasper possesses remarkable properties that promote tranquility and relieve stress. Its purifying effects cleanse negative energy and stabilize the aura. This stone proves to be an ideal aid for soothing nerves and increasing focus, making it suitable as a worry stone or for rubbing. Additionally, Ocean Jasper serves as a marvelous tool for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts.

By activating and aligning the solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras, Ocean Jasper facilitates a powerful connection between one's emotions and willpower. This energetic alignment inspires individuals to pursue joy, happiness, and emotional stability. It assists in releasing burdens or emotional strains carried in the heart and encourages the expression of these emotions, motivating personal growth and forward movement. Just like the flowing water that played a role in its creation, Ocean Jasper urges individuals to embrace its energy and "go with the flow."

In terms of physical healing, Ocean Jasper is believed to have restorative properties for deteriorating internal organs. It aids in draining the lymph system, eliminating toxins that cause body odor and flatulence. Furthermore, it helps stabilize the absorption of vital vitamins and minerals, particularly in terms of balancing sodium and iodine levels and reducing water retention. Ocean Jasper also proves beneficial in maximizing the benefits of hydrotherapy and salt baths.

When used as a gem elixir, Jasper water is particularly soothing for the digestive system. It alleviates symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, while also strengthening the stomach. To create Jasper water, the stone can be indirectly infused in demineralized water or left to soak overnight.

As for specific ailments, Ocean Jasper has been known to aid in thyroid issues, seasickness, inner-ear disturbances, and can be beneficial in the treatment of eczema and skin disorders.



 "I focus my energy on the present moment and express myself with joyfulness and love. "




Meditate with your stones. Relax your vibes and let it resonate with your energy, Carry it with you. Hold it or slip it into your pocket / purse, Feng shui in your home, Create a crystal grid



(We cannot guarantee the expected results, all metaphysical products are based on faith, and they should never be a substitute for medical care.)