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Regular price $18.00 USD
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Each crystal is unique and differs from one another in color/pattern. 



Chakra: Root & heart.


Emotional Support, manifestation, new beginnings, Healing, Self-Growth, Motivation & Passion.



Flower Agate serves as the bridge between emotions and reality by activating and connecting the heart and root chakras. This powerful effect is best experienced through deep meditation, where one focuses solely on the emotional body and its current needs. By undertaking this exercise, individuals can find liberation from deep-seated emotional pain and embark on a path of self-improvement. Flower Agate's energies resonate with our core, facilitating the exploration and release of damaging and sometimes traumatic emotional baggage that we carry unknowingly. Often, we go about our daily lives unaware of the weight we bear and the toll it takes on our physical and mental well-being. By releasing these self-imposed constraints, we can rediscover the boundless love within ourselves. The pure and undeniably affectionate energy that emanates from working with Flower Agate is a direct result of this transformation.

In addition to emotional healing, Flower Agate can be beneficial in managing physical symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It aids in emotional control and can serve as a new coping strategy. The calming properties of Flower Agate help release muscle tension and bring about a deep sense of tranquility. For those experiencing insomnia or difficulty sleeping, the soothing energy of Flower Agate stabilizes mood, promoting better sleep. Moreover, its shimmering high frequencies are effective in alleviating headaches and migraines. Finally, Flower Agate can be used to lower blood pressure, a common symptom of stress.



"I release what no longer serves me and align with my highest light body."




Try placing Flower Agate directly over your heart during meditation, and if willing, add enhancing crystals (Selenite, Quartz) to increase its effects.